See James Bond's Style Evolution Over 60 Years

    Double OH Seven.

    In honor of Spectre, the latest Bond film, Mode put together a video showing the transformation of the 007 style over the past 60 years.

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    You know, past the black tux situation. Ignore the Bond girls in this. They're pretty cheesy.

    Let's enjoy a stroll down Bond memory lane, shall we?

    In 1964, Sean Connery starred in Goldfinger wearing this swanky white coat/blank pants/black tie combination.

    White suits him.

    In 1981 Bond, played by Roger Moore, spent some time in a slightly more casual blue jacket.

    ~Smoldering~ in For Your Eyes Only.

    Goldeneye got real formal, real quick.

    Okay, Pierce.

    Bond got down with a silky blue tie in Casino Royale.

    Damn, Daniel.

    And in the newest installment, Spectre, that silky blue tie makes another appearance.

    He's pretty much the only man who could jump from rooftop to rooftop without ripping a Tom Ford suit.

    But let's be honest: Bond always looks damn good.