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Here's A Clothing Line For Anyone Who Needs A Mental Health Boost

Removing the stigma one t-shirt at a time.

Wear Your Label is a new clothing company aimed at creating a conversation about mental health through fashion.

It's very much about wearing your heart on your sleeve.

The co-founders, Kyle MacNevin and Kayley Reed, created the line as a way to give a platform to their own experiences with mental illness.

"One in five people suffer from mental illness, but five in five people have mental health. We're designing clothes that everyone can relate to," said Reed.

Reed and MacNevin hope that the messages on their clothing will help to get rid of the stigma that comes along with reaching out for help with mental health.

Instead of the usual care instructions label, the clothes have a self-care label, packed with ways anyone can take steps toward improving their mental health.

Gender categories don't exist in Wear Your Label's line to encourage inclusivity.

And 10 percent of the profits of all sales of Wear Your Label go to different mental health initiatives.

As for the models featured on Wear Your Label's website, the only requirement is to share their own mental health journey.

"People have a certain connotation of what mental illness looks like, but our intention was to show all of the different faces of mental illness and how different they can actually look," Reed told BuzzFeed Life.

You can learn more about Wear Your Label by going to their website or following them on Instagram at @WearYourLabel.