Try This Cool Figure-8 Bun When Your Hair Is Dripping Wet

    If you can twist your hair, you can do this style.

    Truth bomb: Post-workout hair usually looks messy AF. So we asked some ~fit~ dudes to try out gym-proof hairstyles to see what would actually work when we got out of the locker room.

    You can do this style when your hair is dry, but it looks cool AF on wet hair.

    Comb everything neatly back so it's slick as hell.

    Grab all of that hair and start twisting it taught.

    You're going to start placing it into the shape of an "8."

    Place the twist into the shape of the bottom swoop of the "8" shape. Pin it in place.

    Keep the rest of the hair tightly twisted as you're doing this.

    Now place the rest of the loose hair against your head into the top half of the "8" shape.

    Use as many bobby pins as you need to hold the hair in place.

    Confused? Watch this video of the whole process:

    Facebook: video.php

    Now go Instagram your killer hair!

    Hair: Jeff Chastain
    Model: Stefano Cracolici

    Special thanks to CrossFit BRICK for providing a workout space.