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    19 Creepy AF Halloween Makeup Ideas That Will Scar You Forever

    Sorry if you crap your pants looking at these.

    1. Queen of Darkness

    2. Jack-o-Lantern

    3. Killer Snail

    4. Neon Skull

    5. Zipper Barbie

    6. Pop Art Frankenstein

    7. Batman vs. Joker

    8. Zombie Elsa

    9. Voodoo Doll

    10. Devil

    11. Ice Queen

    12. Pinup Anatomical Robot

    13. Glam Galaxy Cat

    14. Half-Skull

    15. Alien

    16. Ventriloquist Dummy

    17. Billy The Puppet From Jigsaw

    18. Cartoon Witch

    19. Ms. Smiley