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    57 Things Women Are Sick And Tired Of Hearing

    "Turn off your body's hunger signals to lose weight now!" NOPE.

    Consider this your not-even-close-to-comprehensive roundup of the tips, tricks, and self-improvement ideas you should ignore starting now.

    1. Don't cut your hair; he'll have nothing to pull.

    2. Kegels are the five most important minutes of your day.

    3. Look leaner naked in 14 days.

    4. Flatten your belly, have hotter sex.

    5. Why losing your butt could mean losing your man.

    6. Have hotter sex no matter what's going on outside the bedroom.

    7. Become 98% prettier with 1-minute makeovers.

    8. He's into pretty nails but half-up hair is a turnoff.

    9. Body confidence: how to play up your sexiest features.

    10. Burn 300 calories in 15 minutes.

    11. Turn off your body's hunger signals.

    12. Get a flat tummy with three moves in four minutes.

    13. Drop two sizes in just four weeks.

    14. Be a natural beauty with these 48 tips to get a glow.

    15. A happier you starts here: A leaner, fitter, happier you.

    16. Look great naked with a flat belly and glowing skin.

    17. Sex: You're doing it wrong, damnit.

    18. Get sexy legs in just five minutes.

    19. 17-Day slim down: This hunger fix sheds pounds fast and forever.

    20. 12 new ways to control your cravings.

    21. Get a beach-ready body: flat abs, lean legs, a tight butt in just 2 weeks.

    22. Three minutes to flat abs: Skip the boring crunches and try THIS move instead.

    23. Look 10 years younger without surgery.

    24. Lose more fat! Four ways to beat stubborn flab and firm up — fast!

    25. Look five years younger in just five minutes.

    26. Crazy-hot abs in 15 minutes.

    27. Try the better-sex workout! Tighten, tone, then mmmoan.

    28. Burn tons of calories with one simple move.

    29. Shrink your belly! Toss the Spanx! These moves flatten your abs — for real.

    30. Sculpt your best beach body now!

    31. Here are 10 things you should NEVER say to a man.

    32. How to eat burgers and beer and still drop 20 pounds.

    33. Try this 20-minute secret for a post-baby body.

    34. Get your sexiest. Body. Ever.

    35. Eat anything (yes, anything) and still drop pounds — fast.

    36. Tone every inch in just minutes a day.

    37. Work magic with your blow dryer for the hottest hair of your life!

    38. Reveal your best body! Our easy plan to look trim and toned in just one month.

    39. Walk your butt off.

    40. De-jelly your belly.

    41. Walk off 37 pounds by Memorial Day.

    42. Eat more, weigh less!

    43. How to eat, drink, and not gain weight.

    44. Bikini ready in 10 days: shrink your belly, butt, and thighs.

    45. Lean, sexy legs and a high, tight tush: how to get 'em faster than ever.

    46. Hot body express! Shortcuts to getting fit and sexy.

    47. Five things that are making your skin look old — and how to fix them all NOW.

    48. Over-the-counter face lift: 18 potent anti-agers and five best new procedures.

    49. Drop two dress sizes in just two weeks!

    50. Your perfect weight in just 14 days.

    51. 25 girlie things to start doing again.

    52. Try this oil that MELTS belly fat!

    53. Are you a comfort eater? Beat your own diet traps.

    54. Firm up every inch with this one powerful move.

    55. Guilt-free food: Your tastiest diet yet.

    56. The #1 thing that makes sex very, very good every time.

    57. Get this woman's flat tummy — FAST.

    Here is a reminder that appearance does not equal worth.