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10 People Who Just Can't Contain Themselves

There are some occasions where there's no such thing as being TOO excited – like knowing there's a new device on the horizon! AT&T Next℠ means getting a new device every year. In the meantime, these people know a thing or two about being ridiculously stoked on the daily.

1. The accidental twinsies who look truly terrific!

2. The lovely lady who made some adorable furry additions to the family!

3. The taco fiend who just found out what was being served for free lunch!

4. The group that just grabbed the last open cab during the mad dash of rush hour!

5. The birthday girl whose friends totally took care of her!

6. The student who scored the best class schedule ever for the semester!

7. The music lover who just scored tickets to the most impossible and coveted concert of the year!

8. This fan whose forever favorite team is headed to the playoffs!

9. The kid who had no idea his mom was going to surprise him at work by sending so many treats!

10. The team that just found out they can go home to get the holiday weekend started as soon as this meeting ends!

Feel the excitement even faster with AT&T Next℠ – a new way to get a new device every year.