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13 Alberta Friend Dates Perfect For Welcoming Spring

So long, Alberta winter. There are plenty of ways to get outside and enjoy the thaw with your BFF! You can also celebrate by opening a new chequing account with ATB Financial: You'll get $350 and then another $150 if you refer a friend.

1. Go shopping for some sassy handbags to spice up your spring wardrobe.

2. Or the most epic outfit for spring skiing.

3. Help each other deck out your trucks with sweet new accessories.

4. And then take off on a road trip to Banff or Jasper.

5. Take a yoga class outdoors.

6. Or learn to rock climb together.

7. Get stylin' spring haircuts.

8. Channel your inner kid and have a friendly spring snowball fight.

9. Or spend a day at the zoo.

10. Get the grill going and try out a new BBQ dish.

11. Whip up spring cocktails.

12. Or head to Village Brewery for a few cold ones.

13. And, while you're at it, don't forget to raise your glasses to another winter conquered...and a pretty sweet-looking weather forecast.