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Easy Upgrades That Will Get Your Barbecue Sizzling

Don't let your barbecue fizzle out. Use these upgrades, put together by Asda, to really get your party started. Want to make your barbecue go with a bang? Check out their American style barbecue range.

1. Get all your condiments from fridge to table without juggling using an egg box

Put the whole thing back in the fridge afterwards to make sure your condiments come out first squirt.

2. Here's a nifty trick for stocking your fridge

3. Throwing basil on your coals keeps insects away

4. Stop mosquitos with olive oil

5. Old drink cans make cool reflecting nightlights

6. Don't have outside speakers?

7. Woodchips + foil = a DIY smoker

8. Upgrade your burger with an egg

9. Grill bacon for the survivors

10. Spiral cut sausages or hotdogs to make them even tastier

11. Make your own flat bread in a countertop grill

12. Don't throw away pepper tops

13. Use two cookies and a slice of ice cream for the easiest dessert ever

Warm the cookies on the barbecue then slice the ice cream all the way through the cardboard tub. Place it between the warm cookies and peel the card away.

14. Make this 2-in-1 smoothie/centrepiece

15. Cool drinks without watering them down

16. Save your bottles to help with the clean-up

17. Make an ice lolly drip catcher with a paper cup

18. Make magical instant slushie drinks

19. Get kids to eat their vegetables by turning them into little boats

Don't forget the meat!

Whatever your flavour, there’s something delicious waiting for you in ASDA’s American inspired barbecue range.

View this video on YouTube
