Twitch From "Magic Mike" Taught Us Some Stripper Moves

    And it did not go as planned. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    tWitch, SYTYCD extraordinaire and Magic Mike XXL stripper, stopped by BuzzFeed to teach a couple staff members some moves.

    Our two very brave volunteers, Brett and Matt, thought they were ready for the challenge, but that wasn't really the case.

    tWitch did this body roll, which requires some rhythm and enthusiasm.

    Brett was up first, and he got a little more than he bargained for...

    Next up was Matt. He and tWitch did the driving sort of move (or whatever you want to call it) and Matt was INTO it.

    Then there was the booty bump, which tWitch does pretty flawlessly.

    And Brett needed some assistance.

    Matt threw in some arms. It was a party up in our photo studio, tbh.

    Then tWitch did this move on his chair. Is it getting hot in here or?

    Brett went the extra mile with his hand on his head.

    Matt gave some hip action.

    And then tWitch does this and we're a little worried for the guys.

    But they pull it off.

    And then for the finale, tWitch did his stripping move, removing his sweater.

    And then Brett, like the true winner he is, gave zero fucks and WENT FOR IT.

    So will Matt and Brett strip on the side? Probably not, but they get an A for effort.

    Magic Mike XXL is now in theaters.