12 LOL Moments From “Moby Dick”

    Just a few of Herman Melville's many Dick jokes. It's like Ishmael says: "a good laugh is a mighty good thing."

    1. This innkeeper doesn't mess around.

    2. Word up, Ishmael.

    3. More like "Call me Practical."

    4. Snap.

    5. Stubb has his priorities in order.

    6. #scholarproblems

    7. Ishmael, tellin' it like it is.

    8. He's got an active imagination.

    9. They're so mean on this ship :(

    10. I guess you use the skills that you have.

    11. Ishmael is not superstitious, "but I consider the Commodore's interview with that whale as providential." Ya reap whatchya sow, Commodore.

    12. Ishmael serves up a burn.