This New Instagram Trend Has People Creating The High Heels Of Their Dreams

    Strap that pizza box to your heels and call it art.

    The strange Instagram trend #Heelconcepts was started back in December by the user @m.sty, an artist and textile designer. Others began picking it up — and now there are hundreds of variations online.

    To participate, 'Grammers simply create a fake "shoe" and photograph their foot "wearing" it.

    There seem to be categories to #heelconcepts at this point, since there are so many. You've got the "beauty is pain" variety...

    The Holiday Heel.

    The kitten heels and slippers, for those with delicate arches.

    For the film lovers -- finally, a use for those VHS tapes you keep around.

    Foodies aren't left out, obvi.

    What did pizza do to deserve this?

    My favorite #heelconcept is still Leonardo DiCaprio's face, though.