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12 Reasons The Day Before Christmas Break Is The Best Day Of The School Year

JUST CAN'T WAIT. Make a splash before you take off this holiday season, and enjoy the refreshing flavor of Aquafina Flavorsplash.

1. It's a half day.

2. You can wear whatever you want.

3. Maybe your teacher will bring in cupcakes...

4. ...or better yet, CHRISTMAS COOKIES!!!

5. You'll probably just watch a movie instead of learning anything.

6. And your teacher won't even care that you're passing notes.

7. The Secret Santa gift exchange is gonna rule!

8. You can finally give your crush a Christmas card!

9. Maybe they'll give you a Christmas kiss!


10. But hopefully no one catches you!

11. You can make tons of jokes about seeing your friends "next year."

12. And Christmas is just around the corner!