Paid Post

13 Ways Lunch Is Like The Middle Child

The middle of the sandwich is the best. But the middle of an Applebee's lunch combo sandwich is the bestest.

1. While the oldest, breakfast, is busy being "the most important meal of the day" or whatever...

2. ...and the youngest, dinner, is spoiled and rich*...

3. ...lunch gets stuck with hand-me-downs and leftovers.

4. Too often, people forget about lunch...

5. it takes what it can get.

6. Occasionally, it's unplanned...

7. ...but lunch can also be creative, like middle children.

8. Sure, occasionally it copies others in the family...

Like brunch? C'mon...

9. ...but lunch knows exactly what it is.

10. It's good at sharing space, like on the menu.

11. Now and then, it may act out in public...

12. ...(OK, like really bad)...

13. ...but all lunch really wants is your attention.

Give lunch the attention it deserves and head to your neighborhood Applebee's for a new under-600 calorie lunch combo!