This Delightful Red Panda Cub Introduces Himself To The World

    What's cute, has the best smile, and was just recently born?

    "Hey there! I'm one of the two red panda twins recently born because what's better than one red panda cub? Two red panda cubs!"

    "This is the first time anyone's gotten a look at me — I've been trying to hide from this new world."

    "I'm ready for my closeup though! Hello! Nice to meet you!"

    "Oh look! Here's my dad, Jung! He likes to hang out in trees and watch from afar."

    "Can you believe that one day I'll look exactly like him? He's so big and strong."

    "And here's my mom Nima! Some are already saying I look so much like her."

    "I can only dream of having fur like hers! She's so perfect!"

    "But back to me! What do you think? Who do I look like more?"

    "It's ok, I know I'm a perfect combination of both my lovely parents. Life with them is just so great!

    "Sorry about my sister not being here, she's a little more shy and not born ready for the spotlight."

    "It was great to say hello to you! Catch me at my next modeling gig during New York's Fashion Week! Just joking — but a red panda can dream right?"