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    21 Struggles Of Having Bangs

    To trim or not to trim? The eternal question.

    1. You thought you would look like this:

    But you actually look like this:

    2. You have to trim them every two to three weeks which always ends with you in tears.

    3. Every time you go to the salon, the stylist says, "You cut these yourself didn't you?"

    4. They become a new permanent visor.

    5. Speaking of which, your bangs also become part of your glasses.

    6. Getting sweaty = curvy, flippy bangs and escaping to the bathroom to fix them every five minutes.

    7. Putting in contacts means trying to avoid your bangs at all cost or begin your day by poking your eye.

    8. Using mascara means you'll end up looking like an extra from The Walking Dead.

    9. The wind is out to get you and WILL expose your forehead.

    10. Having curly hair bangs means rising at sunrise to style them.

    11. Bangs end up requiring more hair products than your actual hair and will cost more than rent.

    12. Bangs hide and create acne so they leave you with no other option but to order Proactiv.

    13. If you forget to shower, your greasy bangs will give you away.

    14. You wish your bangs would look like celebrities' bangs.

    Did I copy their hairstyle? Yes. Do I look like them? No. Will I still keep my bangs? Yes.

    15. Sometimes you trim too much and you can kiss your social life goodbye.

    16. So you decide to pay for bang trims until you realize it's like paying for a private school education.

    17. Getting a haircut always means you'll get new bang hair you didn't want, forcing you to invest in bobby pins.

    18. If you do any type of sports, you'll be forced to live in headband hell.

    19. The phantom bang hair that develops into "I have a migraine from looking up too much."

    20. Your best friend gets bangs and now you’re both twins without meaning to be.

    21. If you go tanning, your forehead will end up being a different color.

    But at the end of the day, you wouldn't be you without your bangs!