21 Crucial Tips To Become A Dim Sum Pro

    It can be overwhelming when you're surrounded by tons of little delicious dishes and your food is running away from you on four wheels.

    1. Be prepared to feel slightly claustrophobic before you're seated.

    2. Don't worry about getting lost in the crowd if you arrive separately.

    3. Clean your utensils.

    4. Get excited to spend hours eating and catching-up with people.

    5. Pour tea for everyone else before you pour your own.

    6. Thank the person who's pouring your tea by tapping your finger(s) on the table.

    7. Take a look at the other tables in case you recognize someone.

    8. Offer the food on the table to other people even though they can see it.

    9. Don't know what the dish is called? Just point. Dim sum dish, I choose you!

    10. Make room for the waitress to place the food on your table.

    11. No more tea? Don't worry! Flip the lid upside down or put it at an angle and someone will come refill it right away.

    12. You may have to hunt for your food. If the one dish you've been waiting for hasn't passed by yet, go look for it.

    13. If someone orders a dish you haven't tried, don't ask what it is before you eat it.

    14. Like this dish that's one of my favorites but looks kind of weird!

    15. Still not full? Order a noodle or rice dish for the entire table.

    16. Don't forget to order something a little sweet to end the meal!

    17. When you're ready for your check, make eye contact with someone in a suit and make a writing motion with your hand.

    18. If there are adults, wait as they fight over the check. They will get loud and aggressive.

    19. If you're the adult, make sure you reach for the check as soon as it's placed on the table.

    20. The bill gets paid at the register and tip is left at the table.

    21. Say your goodbyes and don't forget to take the leftovers with you. Hooray for having a snack later when you get hungry in 2-3 hours!