23 Of The Most F*&%ed-Up Moments From Disney's "Tower Of Terror" Movie

    How was this a children's movie?

    1. Three minutes into the film, when the ELEVATOR GETS HIT BY LIGHTNING AND FIVE PEOPLE DIE.

    2. This entire scene introducing the present-day. It seriously looked like a moment straight out of Saw.

    3. When this Hollywood Tower owl gets demon eyes. Who can even handle this when it happens in ADULT scary movies?! NO ONE.

    4. When Buzzy goes upstairs for, like, two seconds, and the flowers are missing from this vase. NOPE.

    5. And when this guest book page turns on its own and a pen falls where his hand was resting. AND ALMOST STABS HIM.

    6. When this woman -- who we already know is dead -- pops her lil' head out of this mirror.

    7. When Uncle Buzzy brings Anna to the hotel kitchen and they SEE DEAD SALLY'S GHOST DANCING UPSTAIRS.

    8. And then when this dead body rolls over a few minutes later...

    9. ... And not only comes alive, but is HEADLESS, and whips out a BUTCHER KNIFE. THIS MOVIE IS FOR CHILDREN.

    10. When Anna explores the house alone, and this ghost walks behind her.

    11. And then a few minutes later, when we see these feet dangling on the other side of this post. NO.

    12. When Anna finds Carolyn Crosson's luggage tag, and this bottle of ink mysteriously tips over.

    13. In the next room, when this dude pulls a butcher knife on her. THAT SAME BUTCHER KNIFE FROM EARLIER.

    14. And then when she turns around, and this bellhop is holding a noose. That's going somewhere no kid's movie should go.

    15. When she runs into Miss Partridge, who basically hints that she wants to burn Anna alive.

    16. And then when Miss Partridge disappears and the GHOST OF DEAD SALLY SHOWS UP AGAIN.

    17. When we find out Claire Poulet is actually the ghost of Carolyn Crosson. AND SHE HAS BEEN DEAD THE ENTIRE TIME.

    18. When Jill discovers Abigail's weird-ass shrine to Sally Shine's death, complete with marked-up newspaper clippings and a doll.

    Like, WTF?

    19. And when she picks up the doll, and its head is basically detached at the neck.

    20. When Abigail picks up her dead sister's lock of hair and just laughs for like, 30 full seconds.

    21. And then when she admits to Anna that she wants to banish her sister to the underworld forever.

    22. When Anna is stuck in the elevator with all of the ghosts, and everyone's pretty positive she's going to die.

    23. And then when everyone attends a party full of ghosts, and we watch their souls disappear into thin air.

    Why, Disney?