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    20 Of The Craziest Bras Ever Created

    Celebrate National No Bra Day by looking at bras that will make you never want to wear bras.

    1. Didn't think an oil rig bra existed? It definitely does.

    2. As does this very literal sports bra.

    3. And another bra designed by a word play fanatic.

    4. If puns aren't your thing (for shame), here's a bra that just plain makes no sense at all.

    5. And one perfect for horticulture enthusiasts.

    6. There's also a disgusting crustacean bra with claw clasps.

    7. And a vegetarian alternative.

    8. You can ward off unwanted groping in this.

    9. And survive the apocalypse with this.

    10. Showcase your inner warrior princess in this.

    11. And your inner cave lady in this.

    12. Bring literal meaning to "playing with boobs."

    13. And repurpose that holiday wreath.

    14. Bras do it all! They even store keys.

    15. On this blessed National No Bra Day, take time to remember who made all of these bizarre brassieres possible — Katy Perry.




    19. And Lady Gaga.


    If these don't make you want to celebrate National No Bra Day...

    ... I don't know what will.