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16 Sloth-Centric Wardrobe Ideas You Have To Own

Sloths. Wear them on your body now.

1. A multi-sloth graphic tee.

2. Climbing sloth socks.

3. A sloth with money on his mind.

4. An affectionate sloth ring.

5. An artistic rendering of a nippled sloth.

6. A sloth scoundrel phone case.

7. A new motto to live by.

8. A dashing medal of honor.

9. A sloth that hangs from your neck.

10. A demotivational athletic tee.

11. A pair of gentlemanly sloth earrings.

12. A colorful illustration on a comfy sweatshirt.

13. A happy, smiling sloth necklace.

14. A slothstronaut.

15. A surfing sloth.

16. And His Holiness, Pope Sloth XVI.