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    15 Things Emma Watson Thinks About Fame And Materialsm

    "I've got about eight pairs of shoes and that's it."

    1. "I lived in denial for as long as I possibly could. Until the age of 18, I would take the Oxford Tube, which is a public bus. Then it got to the point where the fact that I was on the bus would spread from one end to the other."

    2. "Ignoring fame was my rebellion, in a funny way. I was insistent on being normal and doing normal things."

    3. "It sounds stupid, or completely unbelievable, but that [going to Brown University] was when I really realized that I was famous."

    4. "My parents were always realistic with me about what fame meant, that basically it has these amazing upsides, opportunities, experiences. But at the same time, it restricts your freedom in some ways."

    5. "I definitely have my part in that ... tabloid culture, whether I like it or not."

    6. 'There's a whole new definition to celebrity now. I think that's why you see a lot of actors blanching at being associated with that word 'celebrity,' because it's become something that isn't really associated with having a craft."

    7. "She could never wear all of those clothes and half of them were brand new and still had the price tag on. We've all bought things on impulse, but that's an entirely different thing."

    8. "It's almost like consumerism as a form of kleptomania. I've got about eight pairs of shoes and that's it."

    9. "But it's easy for me to sound like a total hypocrite because, of course, I'm dressed in designer clothes right now."

    10. "LA especially is ... fed so much of those images — so much fashion, so much reality TV — I can see how easy it could be to become obsessed."

    11. “When I read the script and realized that essentially it was a meditation on fame and what it’s become to our society, I had to do it.”

    12. "The character is everything that I felt really strongly against — she's superficial, materialistic, vain, amoral. She's all of these things, and I realized that I really hated her."

    13. "This is how much I hate myself in the movie: I don't think I'm going to be able to watch it. I hate myself."

    14. "I watched hours of The Kardashians, and The Simple Life, and The Hills, and then I worked with a dialect coach, too. Not just the accent, but also the way of speaking is so different. It's much more nasal and much more pronounced."

    15. "Who wouldn’t love to go to work in Uggs and very low-slung tracksuit bottoms?"