This Is Why Hogwarts Is Actually The Worst School

    Like, can I go to class for once without the fear of dying?

    J.K. Rowling revealed last week that Hogwarts is a tuition-free school.

    @emmalineonline1 @micnews There's no tuition fee! The Ministry of Magic covers the cost of all magical education!

    Hey, look at the Ministry actually doing something helpful for once!

    That's great and all, but it doesn't change the fact that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is the worst school ever.

    First off, the school is filled with dangerous monsters.

    The rules are all kinds of dumb and dangerous, too.

    Yet despite the tough punishments and overblown security measures for students, apparently faculty aren't scrutinized at all.

    Hey, remember that time they hosted a tournament in which students could actually die?

    Parents are given a little too much leeway as well.

    How about the fact that Harry needed a signed permission slip to go to Hogsmeade, but nothing to participate in said tournament?

    Oh, and this too:

    The school also seems to go out of its way to make education inconvenient for students.

    Apparently Hogwarts is also totally cool with slavery.

    Perhaps most horrifying is this fact.

    In summary: Free tuition or no, Hogwarts is basically the worst.