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    Cats Act Out John Galliano's Retelling Of His Epic Scandal

    Galliano gave the exclusive post-"I love Hitler" interview to Vanity Fair. At long last, the internet's most talented cats are able to act out the story through his words.

    1. "[I]t sounds a bit bizarre, but I am so grateful for what did happen. I have learned so much about myself. I have re-discovered that little boy who had the hunger to create, which I think I had lost. I am alive."

    2. "I lived in a bubble. I would be backstage and there would be a queue of five people to help me. One person would have a cigarette for me. The next person would have the lighter. "

    3. "I did not know how to use the A.T.M."

    4. "Not having washed (after losing days to drinking), I’d be covered in sores and humiliated."

    5. "I had the tremors. I wouldn’t sleep for five days. I would go to bookstores and get some self-help books, but I was in denial. I’d throw myself back into the gym. I’d be careful about what I ate. And, of course, the whole cycle would start again."

    6. "My assistant told me about the video. When I saw it, I threw up. The feeling was like I was about to take a step out onto the street and a bus or truck whooshed past me and the blood was drained from my legs. I was paralyzed from the fear."

    7. "(Bill Gayten, acting creative director of the Galliano label) said, ‘Do you realize what you’ve fucking done?'... and I said, ‘Kind of.’ But I still didn’t...and those were the last words we shared. That’s someone I’ve known for 30 years."

    8. "Creating (Kate Moss's) wedding dress saved me personally because it was my creative rehab. She dared me to be me again."

    And finally, isn't this Annie Leibovitz portrait something?

    Why, yes. Yes it is.

    Read the full interview in the July interview of Vanity Fair and access a preview of the article online.