20 Reasons Why Tilda Swinton Is The Most Fashionable Person Of Our Time

    She can wear toilet paper as a scarf and still look more stylish than anyone ever.

    1. She can wear a toilet seat guard around her face and make it look good.

    2. She can spend a day sleeping in the MOMA as part of a performance artwork and it's cool instead of eye roll-y.

    3. She can wear her pajamas on a red carpet and look better than anyone else there.

    4. Also, she can wear all-white without looking like she broke out of a mental ward.

    5. She never wears makeup and never looks like she needs it.

    6. When she does wear color, it's pretty much not color.

    7. She can wear Chanel and make it look like it's not Chanel.

    8. Karl Lagerfeld has to purse his lips extra hard when he poses with her just to hide how much he's fangirling inside.

    9. She holds hands with coolest designer ever Haider Ackermann.

    10. And wears his clothes to fancy art exhibit openings like they're just pajamas or something.

    11. Franca Sozzani wants to be part of Tilda's "Lean In" circle — and not the other way around.

    12. She's one of the few actresses than can pose like a high fashion model.

    13. She reacts appropriately when asked to wear completely absurd pieces of jewelry.

    14. She wears the shit out of a big weave.

    15. And she wears all hell out of a pantsuit.

    16. Even shapeless bedsheets with sleeves just look so right/chic on Tilda.

    17. And even though she wears so many all-white looks, she's never stained.

    18. She almost never wears flashy jewelry, but when she does it looks like it belongs.

    19. In fact, even when she looks kind of bad, she just looks amazing.

    20. And even when she looks a bit of a mess, it just works somehow.

    @NotTildaSwinton totally agrees.

    I know.-- Tilda Swinton