Paid Post

Kindess Calendar

Teamed up with American Express to fill your New Year with kindness. Learn more about the #BlueCashEveryday Card:


16-inch x 20-inch picture frame

Hot glue

6 strands of cotton twine (5 strands of 17 inches, 1 strand of 14 inches)
30-31 rectangles of cardstock (2 inches x 4 inches)

30-31 triangles of cardstock (1-inch base, 1.5-inch height)

30-31 mini clothespins


Instructions –

1. Take the glass and backing out of your frame. 

2. On the back of the frame, glue five strands of twine across it and one across the top of 
the frame for a title (if desired). 

3. Cut cardstock into 30 to 31 separate 2-inch x 4-inch rectangles, depending on the month. 

4. Cut cardstock into 1-inch x 11⁄2-inch triangles. 

5. Fold the rectangles in half and glue the triangles onto them. Write a day of the month on 
the front and an act of kindness inside. Repeat this for all 30-31 rectangles.

6. Clothespin the cards onto the twine on the frame. 

7. Open one a day for an act of kindness prompt. 

NOTE: Amount of cardstock and clothespins you’ll need is dependent on the number of days in the month.