21 Things That Happen When You Get The Kids Ready For School

    Where is your other shoe?

    1. The alarm goes off and you hit the snooze at least once.

    2. You roll out of bed and attempt to get yourself ready.

    3. But first, you need coffee.

    4. While waiting for your coffee you're just like:

    5. Now it's time to get the kids up.

    6. You see getting them dressed is going to be drama.

    7. Once they're dressed you have to tackle their hair.

    8. You begin the ritual of inquiring about their dental health.

    9. Okay, they're dressed. Time for the most important meal of the day.

    10. While you're in the kitchen you do double duty and make lunch as well.

    11. Inevitably someone will need to change their clothes.

    12. You gleefully tag in your spouse if you can.

    13. Then you try to finish getting yourself ready.

    14. There comes a moment when you think you may lose your shit.

    15. Because at some point, someone will cry.

    16. Time to make sure everyone has their things.

    17. You realize one of your kids is wearing two different shoes.

    18. You beg them to be still so you can tie a shoe.

    19. Alright, let's go!

    20. You realize you forgot something.

    21. You drop everyone at their final destination in one piece.