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12 Signs You're Too Tech-Savvy For Your Own Good

There's no denying it. We all hold our technology near and dear to our hearts. So make sure you're always decked out with the latest tools and accessories for your tablet.

1. A day without any Facebook notifications is pretty much the worst day ever.

2. When you forget your headphones on your morning commute, it feels like a punch to the gut.

3. You're not above checking your phone in a movie theater.

4. You barely remember what it was like to write on paper.

5. You may not have a pet in real life, but you find creative ways to get by.

6. You're always scanning your surroundings for potential charging outlets.

7. When your date excuses him or herself to use the restroom, you rush to check ALL THE NOTIFICATIONS.

8. Your tablet is the last thing you see at night before going to sleep.

9. When it comes to protecting your phone or tablet, you spare no expense.

10. You'll always turn around if you've left the house without your phone.

11. You love getting work done in cafes, because, well, these people just get you.

12. And, of course, you have ZERO tolerance for slow or choppy Wi-Fi.