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10 Incredible Signs That The Future Is Now

Look around you. We live in an age of science fiction, where you can access infinite information from something as small as a tablet. The future is yours, so embrace it!

1. We no longer clean our own homes. No, we have robots take care of that for us.

2. We control beams of intense and focused light particles to annoy our cats.

3. Check your pocket. There's a good chance you have a tiny yet powerful computer in there.

4. And what's more, humans everywhere can instantly see one another through these tiny pocket-sized computers!

5. We now have the power to pull musical melodies out of thin air on a whim.

6. We have remote-control cars. ON MARS.

7. We now have winged robots at our beck and call.

8. When travelling, you can summon a robot lady voice to help you find your way.

9. Man has created this alien substance that you can literally use to fix just about anything.

10. Humans now have the time and resources to take vacations to exotic locales. Like space.