These Pictures Reveal Unknown, Turn-Of-The-Century, Indigenous Brass Band

    A fascinating snapshot into the little-known world of Aboriginal brass bands in far north Queensland.

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are warned that this post contains images of deceased people.

    A set of unearthed photographs of the Yarrabah brass band gives a rare insight into early 20th century Queensland.

    In 1901 a brass band was formed at the Yarrabah mission in far north Queensland, near Cairns. The band was created by Christian missionaries to accompany church hymns.

    The Yarrabah brass band became so popular that it toured the state and played to crowds up and down the east coast of Australia.

    Following Yarrabah's lead several other Aboriginal missions across Queensland set up their own brass bands.

    The last Yarrabah brass band put away their instruments in the 1970s.

    But the brass brand legacy lives on today as a new generation of Yarrabah community members revives the group. Playing at the Yarrabah Band Festival last week.

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