An Indigenous Family Have Been Compensated After Unlawful Strip-Searches Eight Years Ago

    "I stripped naked and was made to squat in front of my kids."

    A judge has found that a raid carried out by NSW police on an Aboriginal family eight years ago was unlawful and highly distressing to minors who witnessed the raid, and that those involved were subjected to excessive and traumatic strip-searches.

    The house the police raided was that of 81-year-old Aboriginal elder Marjorie Rose. She had lived there for 50 years – most of that time with her now deceased husband – but the incident scared her so much that she moved away.

    "It was good to hear the judgment and receive a win after eight years," Rose's daughter Dianne Edwards said. "I think this sends a message to the police that there are fighters out there for our rights and justice does prevail in the long run."

    "I feel a lot of hate for the NSW police now and especially in Bourke," Tyrone Kelly told BuzzFeed News. "I feel like since this happened I am always being harassed because of my family name."