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15 Crucial Holiday Storage Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier

Tis the season to de-clutter.

1. Wrap string lights around a hanger to keep them from getting tangled.

2. If you want to get those artificial wreaths out of the way, put them in drawstring garbage bags and hang them in the garage.

3. Or use a foldable hanger and slip wreaths right on.

4. Store fragile ornaments in plastic cups to keep them from getting crushed.

5. And put teeny tiny ornaments in egg cartons.

6. And put bead garland in a water bottle to keep it under control.

7. Grind up leftover candy canes to make a baller AF peppermint powder.

8. Store wrapping paper in a wine box.

9. Or put rolls in a garment bag and hang it in a closet.

10. You can also cut the bottoms of shoe organizer pockets and keep rolls super out of the way.

11. Or DIY a hooked-up wrapping and storage station with a 5-gallon bucket and a Husky Bucket Jockey.

12. Use aluminum foil packaging to keep tape and ribbon in order.

13. You can also use a slotted tupperware bin to store leftover ribbon.

14. Keep tissue paper in an accordion folder for seamless sheets.

15. And use plastic wrap to store your artificial tree like a lazy mad scientist.