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These People Played Tattoo Roulette And Got The Most Horrible Tattoos Ever

Can you spell r-e-g-r-e-t?

Welcome to tattoo roulette, a game that randomly selects the design and body part for your next tattoo.

Step 1: Use a Plinko board to select a godawful tattoo.

Step 2: Use another Plinko board to determine which of your body parts is about to be ruined forever.

Step 3: Walk away as the proud owner of a "Trump" stamp.

Step 4: Explain to all your friends the profound significance of your new tat.

This lucky man walked away with a tasteful portrait of Jar Jar Binks on his arm.

And this young lad got those award-winning "Crazy Town" lyrics...

...right on top of his heart.

There were Home Improvement tats...

And pre-emptive Bob Barker memorial tats.

One woman even got the Emmy Award trophy with True Detective Season 2...

...tattooed on her bottom dollar.

Tattoos FTW!

Watch the full video here.

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