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17 Severely Relatable Moments For Anyone With Gift-Opening Anxiety

*turns bright red, runs away*

1. The holidays can be stressful when you have gift-opening anxiety.

2. Because your face just doesn't seem to know what to do while opening a present.

3. Which means that the days leading up to G-Day can leave you a husk of your former self.

4. On Christmas Day, you try to get your head in the game.

5. And when the gift-opening commences, you try not to panic.

6. When you look around, you notice everyone else effortlessly expressing their gift-opening joy.

7. And then it's your turn to open a gift.

8. And at first, your mouth decides to say some exclamatory word without your permission.

9. But then you feel like a dork so you keep it cool with a heartfelt "thank you."

10. And then you get nervous so you overcompensate.

11. So you start talking about some of the present's cool ~features~ and you're totally not making sense now.

12. And you insist on doing some kind of role-play with the item to show how perfect it is for you.

13. All the while you're looking around the room smiling like a MANIAC because you just want it to be over.

14. And everyone's just like:

15. And you're still like:


16. And all the other joyous gift openers move on.

17. And you're finally free — UNTIL NEXT YEAR.