18 Tips You Need Before Moving In With Your Significant Other

    Welcome home.

    1. Talk specifics before the move—don't save it until after you show up!

    2. Ask the person moving in, "How can we make this space more yours?"

    3. Put their name on the mailbox.

    4. Encourage them to bring over as much furniture as they want. You can sort through it together.

    5. Replace the word "my" with "our" when it comes to the home.

    6. Reorganize closets and figure out where you would both like to keep things.

    7. Put both of your names on the lease.

    8. And split the bills up accordingly.

    9. Discuss how you each feel about friends coming over.

    10. Claim a small area in the space to feel more at home in the beginning.

    11. Let them close a door.

    12. Figure out your schedules.

    Who showers in the morning and who showers at night? What time to people like going to bed? Does someone workout before or after work? Get a general idea of what their weekly routine is so you can make a plan of how to make the two fit together.

    13. Have a housewarming.

    14. Hold off on buying expensive art.

    15. Don't move their stuff without telling them.

    16. Pick out new bedding together.

    17. Start a project that speaks to something you both enjoy.

    18. Be sensitive and understand that both people might need to grieve a little.