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    17 Impressive DIY Gifts You Can Make With Things From Around The House

    You don't have to buy to DIY.

    1. Personalize mugs with a permanent marker and be hailed the DIY queen in all the land.

    2. You can also use permanent markers to make a patterned dish set in minutes.

    3. Print out pictures for memorable photo wine glasses.

    4. Or dip a pencil eraser into paint to make festive confetti ones.

    5. Use thread to embroider arty portraits.

    6. Use pasta and nail polish for super cute chevron jewelry.

    7. Or use an old shirt to make a no-sew woven necklace.

    8. Turn empty soup cans into vintage-inspired desk organizers.

    9. Dip your framed photos in paint for a serious upgrade in seconds.

    10. And use confetti nail polish to basically upgrade anything.

    11. Make a ridiculously cute tea set with tissue paper, permanent marker, and Mod Podge.

    12. You can upgrade a plain planter with some thin black tape.

    13. Or you can just use a little paint.

    14. You can also make a quick, cute planter from scratch with a soda bottle and some spray paint.

    15. Cut a cardboard box into strips to make awesome bookmarks.

    16. Or hot glue a cute button onto a paperclip for the perfect spot-saver.

    17. Use rope to make 5-minute coasters.

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