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    "Top Model" Winner Lisa D'Amato Sharing Placenta Smoothies With Fellow Former Contestants

    This is up there with peeing in a diaper on the crazy scale.

    Lisa D'Amato, winner* of America's Next Top Model's All Star cycle, recently gave birth to her first child.

    And she's now making placenta smoothies.

    The above smoothies were a "his and hers" pair for D'Amato and her husband. But she's made more for her close friends too!

    This Instagram photo's caption: "who's next?"

    And the only right answer: ICONIC TOP MODEL VILLAINESS JADE COLE. Or Tyra herself.

    Also, this is the best/most exciting post-show photo of Joanie since that time she modeled for a cheap wig catalog.

    In conclusion, "I Be Like Whoa!"

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