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    Real-Life Rose Nylund Swallows Diamond At Charity Gala

    If this isn't a modern day Golden Girls plotline then I don't know what is.

    This is a totally true story. Except the parts about the Golden Girls, sadly.

    Meet Miriam Tucker, here with her friends* Blanche, Dorothy, Rose and Sophia.

    Miriam and her friends attended a glamorous charity gala in Tampa last week.

    The party featured a special competition to win a $5,000 diamond.

    The diamond sat in one special glass of $20 champagne.

    Miriam won the diamond!

    One problem: she swallowed the prize.

    Really though, what else could she have done?

    This is how Dorothy feels about the whole situation.

    And this is how Sophia feels.

    Poor Miriam had to explain what had happened to the gala's organisers.

    Fortunately, she had a colonoscopy scheduled soon afterwards, because, you know...

    And so she had a doctor "recover" the pricy rock.

    So now she's the proud owner of a one-carat diamond.

    And she (maybe, but probably not) cashed it in to buy a throne and paid these buff guys to be her pelvic-thrusting guards.