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    Beauty Blogger Posts Horrifying Results Of A Facial Gone Wrong

    Singaporean blogger Juli "Bun Bun" (of bunbunmakeuptips) suffered a serious allergic reaction — and photographed it all. Warning: this is the breakout to end all breakouts.

    Meet Juli, owner of Singaporean beauty blog Bun Bun Makeup Tips.

    Once upon a time not too long ago, I looked like this. In fact, [the above photo] was taken just 3 days before the skin-ravaging facial.

    Update 6/7: Read more (and see more gnarly photos) of Juli's story here.

    Day 1: This was how my skin looked like minutes after the facial.
    Day 2: This was how my skin looked [a day later]. I had on a sheer layer of foundation.
    By night, things were starting to look bad. I've rarely had outbreaks on my temples or forehead [before].
    Day 3: I woke up to a rude shock. I had to wear a mask because I was starting to feel very self-conscious, although in retrospect that was only the tip of the iceberg... The facial therapist [I visited] simply said I have sensitive skin and extraction of the pus would solve everything.
    [The doctor] said it's not your regular acne breakout, it's definitely an allergic reaction to the facial . Some people are allergic to certain ingredients (told ya my skin is sensitive!) and the most common cause is herbal or plant extracts. He said this skin allergy should not cause any scarring, but will leave me with hyper-pigmentation for at least a few months. He also advised that I go back to my skincare regime before the facial because the new products given by the salon might be contributing to the allergy.

    Before extraction:

    And afterwards:

    Day 4: I thought nothing could be worse than Day 3. Apparently Day 4 proved me wrong. [The spots] look like barnacles! Just that mine are filled with pus.
    I'd sent images of my deteriorating skin condition to the people at the facial salon and they asked me to go down and have the pus extracted again. This time [I visited] their HQ, where their Director was around. I don't know how people who have been in the industry for THIRTY YEARS couldn't tell this was not your normal acne breakout or post-facial sensitivity. Below: a close-up, just to annoy you. LOL. But imagine seeing this on your face when you wake up. Not funny at all.

    After extraction #2:

    The facial people told me that 'It has to get worse before it gets better'. BULLSHIT. Anyone who tells you that about your skin is really just lying to you. At home, my skin turned worse. The glistening layer is not my own oily skin! Mine's oily but not so disgustingly greasy. It's the anti-bacterial gel they applied.
    The worst feeling, other than wanting to cry whenever I see myself in the mirror, is when I wash my face and cannot find a single smooth spot. My skin texture feels like those corals I've touched at [aquariums]. The only difference is that they look so pretty and I look like I have an incurable disease.
    Night 4: Help me =(
    Tyra Banks taught us that it's possible to smile with the eyes. Yesterday I tried to smile with my eyes, but when I was smiling my widest with stars in my eyes, [people] still couldn't tell at all. My mask covers all the way to right under my eyes.
    I used to literally have goosebumps when I see people with a skin condition. I'd think to myself 'Why doesn't she see a skin doctor?', 'Why would anyone leave the house like that?'. Or even on a more superficial level 'How could people leave the house without makeup?'. To me, making up is a form of respect, for the event, for the host, for the people around me.This ordeal has shed light to the fact that actually, there could be plenty of reasons why people look… well, different. Most of the time, they didn't choose to look like that, they were just born this way... I will learn to see more of what's inside a person – a good nature, a pure heart, a fighter.As a beauty blogger, everyone expects you to put your best face forward. This is an undeniable expectation, despite it being extremely superficial. I don't know how my skin will eventually turn out, I could be scarred for life, I could heal over time (after plenty of cash spent). Nobody knows. If I'm scarred, people will judge me the same way we all judge people with bad skin. I'll just have to live with it.
    I'm sorry if I've scared you. I have goosebumps too. You can't imagine how difficult it was to look at these photos and not cry. My self-confidence has plummeted to rock bottom. I cannot remember the last time I was so depressed over an external condition. I guess I could thank the heavens that I'm lucky to be alive, but can my life ever go back to normal? I don't know. It's a great fall to take for a person who is image-conscious and with an online personality.
    Remember me this way.

    Republished (in part) with permission from Bun Bun Makeup Tips. Read the full story here: "My Horrific Post-Facial Experience. You Need To Read This."

    Update 6/7: Read more (and see more gnarly photos) of Juli's story here.