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This Incredible Dog Has A New Lease On Life Thanks To 3D Printing

Derby the dog, once fated to be euthanized, is living his best life with his forever family and sweet new legs.

This is Derby.

Derby was recovered by Peace and Paws Dog Rescue, whose owner, Melissa Aronson Hannon, told BuzzFeed Life that she had heard about him from a friend.

Though Derby was equipped with a set of wheels for running around, Anderson said that she could tell from the beginning that Derby was a high-energy dog who needed to be able to run and play a bit more freely.

TL;DR: Science.

In August, Derby was adopted by the Portanova family, who saw him through the rest of this printing process along with Anderson.

A few designs were experimented with until the birth of the "elbow cups", which the Portanova family said Derby took to with nothing but excitement, as you can see in the video above of his first ever run on the new prosthetics.

Stephanie Portanova told BuzzFeed Life, "We were amazed, he took off running."

Anderson explained that the printing process used for Derby's prosthetics, called MultiJet printing, allows the production of a prosthetic containing both rigid and flexible materials.

It made it possible to have an ample amount of cushiness in the cup of the prosthetic for supporting Derby's elbow, as well as a perfect amount of rigidity for the treads on the rockers that would come in contact with the ground. Just like fluffy UGG slippers.

TL;DR: more science.

Anderson said that she is hoping that this technology opens the door to helping other dogs who have either had accidents or were born with deformities, like Derby, because being different shouldn't be a death sentence.

View this video on YouTube

3D Systems

Keep up to date with Derby through his Facebook page.