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    19 Things That Happen When You Date A Smoker

    Sometimes we love people despite their habits.

    1. You have to think about what you're going to wear around them because it will have to go straight into the laundry.

    2. Your hair-washing schedule gets totally messed up.

    3. You watch in awe as they perform expert tricks with their lighter.

    4. You get to know their scent as a mix between their body spray and cigarette smoke.

    5. You learn to know the facial expression that means they are jonesin' for a ciggie from a mile away.

    6. You wish they put as much planning into dates with you as they do into their cigarette breaks.

    7. They disappear to go smoke so swiftly that you find you are talking to yourself for several minutes before realizing.

    8. You get smoker's breath even though your mouth went nowhere near an actual cigarette.

    9. You can't tell if they are also a pyro, or just love using their lighter.

    10. Your car rides with them are always windswept and frigid.

    11. You often wait patiently for them to finish a cigarette just so you can go in for a kiss, or hold their hand.

    12. You feel like you are constantly surrounded by gray ashes and they're somehow all over you.

    13. You are always explaining at parties where your date is.

    14. You are always waving a cloud of smoke away from your face.

    15. You are fluent in cigarette-in-their-mouth-while-they-talk language.

    16. You have watched them experience a sudden fit of coughing — while you're making out with them.

    17. You know that mentioning quitting is normally off-topic, unless you want to be either yelled at or completely ignored for the rest of the day.

    18. You hate that you're entertained by their party tricks.

    19. You feel like you can chew less gum out of fear that your breath isn't the freshest, because you know it is almost always fresher than your partner's breath.