This Video Shows How "The Force Awakens" Paid Homage To The Original "Star Wars" Films

    Seriously, that film was made with a lot of love.

    Here's a very lovingly compiled side-by-side comparison of The Force Awakens and the original Star Wars trilogy. It's pretty cool...

    The film was made by Jorge Luengo Ruiz, a 22-year-old filmmaker from Madrid, who previously made this awesome Pixar homage.

    He told BuzzFeed that after enjoying the film, he'd had the idea to seek out what JJ Abrams had "honored" from the original trilogy. It took him a few months to put the video together.

    He said he'd been surprised by the way Abrams' film not only paid homage to the plot of Episode IV in the saga, but had put in visual homages to other elements of the series.

    He said it was clear the screenwriters wanted to recruit a new generation of fans, telling us "almost the same story", both in terms of its plot and its visuals.