This Porn Star Says He Caught Gonorrhea 150 Times Because Of His Huge Penis So He Developed A Giant Condom

    Here's the heartwarming tale of Nacho Vidal. Can't wait for Hollywood to remake this. Deeply NSFW.

    OK. Here is a video. But be warned.

    It is censored, but you probably don't want to watch it at work. There's very little left to the imagination in the sexual stakes.

    Anyway, the rest of this post is SFW. Apart from some pictures of a model penis. Consider yourself warned.

    Well. This documentary doesn't look like it's going to underdeliver.

    Here's our man. Meet Nacho Vidal.

    Nacho has a pressing question.

    I DO, Nacho! I do.

    OK. I don't. But I can see why you felt this needed to happen.

    That's quite a big condom. You could wrap your sandwiches in that thing.

    I defy anyone working at BuzzFeed not to conclude that this bit needed GIFing.

    No one wants a condom that suffocates you.

    This is Abel. At no point do we find out what his role in all this is.

    Although Nacho makes this bold claim. Not sure if Abel agrees.

    About midway through, things take a dark turn, as Nacho tells us what's happened as a result of not being able to find condoms that can cover his monster pecker.


    The struggle is real. The struggle is really real.

    Another bold claim from the big man.

    Anyway, we now learn that along with his giant condoms, Nacho has all sorts of other interests.

    Here, let me give you all my money, Nacho.

    Now we meet Nacho's co-worker. He has a large penis too. But fortunately, thanks to Nacho, an answer is in sight!

    Nacho's like a brother to this guy.


    Anyway, he and Nacho proceed to have sex with a woman. And it all goes swimmingly.

    Thank goodness for Nacho and his entrepreneurial instincts.

    It's a beautiful vision.