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17 Times "Grey's Anatomy" Got Hilariously Real

It's actually pretty relatable when no one's dying!

1. When no one had any idea how to do this whole adulthood thing.

2. When Cristina contemplated this eternal question.

3. And when she mapped out the solution right in front of us.

4. When Lexie lived the struggle.

5. When Callie and Mer acknowledged what they really needed to get through the day.

6. When Cristina laid down the law.

7. When Meredith let her truth be known.

8. Whenever they really nailed that Bad Day feeling.

9. When Cristina demanded higher-quality compliments.

10. When Meredith had to really work to embrace her self-worth.

11. And when they burst into song over drinks.

12. And when Cristina issued this heartfelt plea.

13. When Miranda illustrated what happens in your brain when you have had ENOUGH of someone's nonsense.

14. When Mark reveled in his brief glimpse of true power.

15. And whenever they exhibited the importance of dancing it out.

16. Sometimes dancing it out is the best option for expressing yourself.

17. Sometimes you just gotta get in your damn underwear and dance.