See Emma Stone As A Superhero In A Movie That's Not Happening

    Excuse me while I mourn the non-existence of this movie.

    We've had a lot of Spider-Men over the past couple of decades. Really, many Spider-Men.

    But what you haven't seen in theaters is that Peter Parker is not the only beloved spider-themed hero in the Marvel wheelhouse.

    Many are still longing for Jessica Drew, Miles Morales, and Gwen Stacy to get their chance to suit up — but in the meantime we can fantasize that it's already happening thanks to this fake trailer for a Spider-Gwen solo film.

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    Vulture has treated the world to this bit of cinematic fan fiction, in which Gwen Stacy is the spider-hero the city needs.

    In this world, it's Gwen who was bitten by the radioactive spider.

    Gwen who has to grapple with her new powers.

    And Gwen who choses to use those powers to help people.

    Coming to theaters probably never — at least in the foreseeable future and starring Emma Stone — but we can cling to the dream.