17 Times Pacey Witter Made Your Heart Flutter

    It shoulda been Pacey's Creek, to be honest.

    1. That time he was really good at identifying emotionally significant jewelry.

    2. Any time he really knew how to look at a lady.

    3. Whenever he knew the truth at the heart of it all.

    4. Whenever he was so scared of putting himself out there but did it anyway because the risk was worth it.

    5. And whenever he had the courage to be completely honest.

    6. He really was an expert at putting himself in the line of fire in the name of love.

    7. Whenever he smiled this smile looking at the one woman he could never get over.

    8. Whenever he stood up for himself.

    9. When he knew just what to say during the worst moment of his friend's life.

    10. When he didn't go all Nice Guy™ about loving Joey...

    11. And just wanted the best for the both of them.

    12. Let's be real, he got us every time the credits rolled.

    13. And pretty much every time these two were together.

    14. Even when it kinda stung a little.


    16. Whenever he was very clear as to what he was all about.

    17. And when he finally got the happy ending that he'd dreamed of for so long.

    We'll always have Capeside. And this guy.