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14 Photos That Perfectly Encapsulate How Mildly Infuriating Tipping Culture Has Become

It makes no sense at all for a kiosk at the airport self-checkout to ask for a tip.

1. This person went to a bar and saw these suggested tips listed at the bottom of their receipt:

Receipt showing suggested tip amounts for 15%, 20%, and 25% and total prices for each tip option

2. This person was asked to tip at the airport self-checkout station:

Digital payment screen asking for a tip with options, with a bottle of coconut water and wrapped pastry on the counter

3. This person discovered Waffle House took a much larger tip than what they originally put:

Screen showing a transaction update at Waffle House including tip, with new total of $34.69

4. This person went to pay the $40K cost of having the side of their house replaced and was asked to tip:

Payment screen with options for tipping and a highlighted agreement to pay $12,000,000.00 with terms and privacy statement links

5. This person had to pay a cleaning fee at an Airbnb and was still asked to tip:

Hand-drawn thank you note with a house and two cars, beside a paper towel roll on a counter

6. This person was asked to tip at a place where customers can only use the kiosk to order:

Touchscreen displaying a tip selection screen with options, featuring an illustrated character holding a phone

7. This person went to pick up their takeout and was encouraged to tip anyway:

Sign at a counter reminding to tip server or to-go person with a minimum $10.00 credit card charge notice

8. This person took a $15 cab and was given these tip options after the ride:

Digital payment device displaying tip options: $5, $10, $15, $20, and custom, with $15 selected

9. This person stepped into a hotel elevator and saw a barcode to send tips:

Elevator panel with floor buttons, a QR code for tipping, and braille numbers beside each button

10. This person went to a coffee shop that essentially blamed the barista's unlivable wages on customers not tipping:

Handwritten sign states "Barista wages start at $5.15. You are expected to tip. Thanks" on a cafe counter

11. This person was online shopping and asked to tip at checkout:

Screenshot of a mobile checkout screen with an option to add a tip for the team at Jammy Job, with preset percentages and a custom tip field

12. This person who was also online shopping, left no tip, and then was asked if they forgot to tip:

Screen prompt asking if the user would like to leave a tip with options to leave a tip or continue to payment

13. This person who went out to eat and was asked to tip the kitchen as well:

Restaurant receipt with handwritten tip and total amount on wood table, pen aside, note suggesting a tip for kitchen staff

14. And lastly, this landlord who encouraged tenants to tip them so that they would do THEIR LITERAL JOB:

Summarized text: A person expresses frustration about their landlord's policies and emphasizes the importance of being proactive in understanding and asserting tenant rights