21 People Share The Video Game That Changed Their Life Forever

    We asked PAX Prime attendees, "What's the first game that made you love gaming?" #myfirstgame

    1. Bubble Bobble brought two sisters together.

    2. Starcraft gave this guy the competitive spirit which led him to be a pro Super Smash Bros. player.

    3. Street Fighter II was the best game to show off your skills at the arcade and led this guy to work in the fighting game industry.

    4. The Legend of Zelda - A Link To The Past cured boredom with all its tools and dungeons.

    5. The badass characters in the OG Dragon Quest were aspirational.

    6. Pokemon Stadium's minigames were so epic it brought the whole neighborhood together.

    7. Sonic Adventure Battle's Chaos kickstarted a competitive drive.

    8. Age of Empires II brought out an inner Machiavelli.

    9. Metroid fostered a love for all the hard things in life for this financial auditor.

    10. Civilization was a way to get lost in an alternative world.

    11. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was a challenge for a precocious 4-year-old.

    12. League of Legends is an accessible new game for people to learn the joys of playing with friends.

    13. Final Fantasy 7's legendary story gave all the feels.

    14. Suikoden 2 was just solid AF in every single way.

    15. Pokémon Blue was an introduction to the wonder of Nintendo.

    16. Pokémon LeafGreen, like all Pokémon games, was an epic quest.

    17. Seriously though, people love the Pokémon games.

    18. Counter-Strike was a great way to get into online gaming and ya know, pwning noobs and what-have-you.

    19. Super Mario 64, cause we all just wanted some of Peach's cake.

    20. Conker's Bad Fur Day was an experience like none other.

    21. And Super Mario Kart brought out the evil in us all.