Look At This Amazing Tweet By Shah Rukh Khan About "Thots"

    "Thots can weigh u down & set u free."

    Shah Rukh Khan is one of the world's most popular stars. Naturally with all that fame, he has lots of problems with.... his "thots."

    So, he blessed the internet with the world's most glorious tweet.

    Quite amazing how thots can weigh u down & set u free. All else is restricted by its physicality. Freedom is just a thot & so is confinement

    If you've never seen this term before, a "thot" is a "hoe" or "that hoe over there."

    I know, I know. He probably just meant to shorten "thoughts" and was almost definitely not referring to "That Hoe Over There."

    BUT. Consider this.

    It's a fundamental MISREADING of his tweet! Freedom is just a thot! And so is confinement!

    It can be read both ways. Accept that and you will no longer be weighed down or restricted by your physicality. Be free. Like thots.