15 Really Effed-Up Moments In "Evil Dead"

    The makers of this hard-R horror remake did not hold back at all. Warning: REALLY GROSS SPOILERS AHEAD, though a lot of it was in the red-band trailer.

    1. When, in the prologue, a demon-possessed girl is burned alive.

    2. When Eric (Lou Taylor Pucci) reads aloud from the Book of the Dead, even though someone has written "do not read aloud" in the book.

    3. When the unleashed demon chases Mia (Jane Levy) and vomits a bloody vine, which enters her body through her nether regions.

    4. When Mia takes a shower to wash off the grime, and instead she's scalded with boiling water.

    5. When Mia, fully possessed, vomits bile on her friend Olivia (Jessica Lucas).

    6. When Olivia subsequently slices off half her face with a shard of the bathroom mirror.

    7. When Eric pulls a hypodermic needle from his face, just below his eye.

    8. When Mia slices her tongue in half with an Exacto knife by licking it...

    ...and then French-kisses Natalie (Elizabeth Blackmore).

    9. When Natalie then slices off her own, demon-infected arm with an electric meat carver.

    10. When David buries Mia alive, and she taunts him as he's doing it.

    The next five entries involve some MAJOR PLOT TWISTS. So stop here if you don't want to be spoiled any further.

    Seriously, don't say we didn't warn you.

    11. When Mia is brought back to life, and she is totally OK.

    12. When it starts raining blood.

    13. When Mia rips off her own arm after it's trapped under a car.

    14. When Mia slices the demon girl in half with a chainsaw.

    15. When Ash shows up at the end.