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People Are Sharing The Most "Disturbing" Things They've Found While Helping Someone Move, And My Jaw Is In The Mariana Trench

"He had a pot belly pig for a few months like a year before. There was pig sh*t all behind his couch."

In a recent Reddit post shared to r/AskReddit, site user u/ccie6861 asked, "What embarrassing or disturbing thing have you found while helping a friend move?" Here are some of the most-upvoted responses:

1. "Stuff that he stole from me. That was pretty disturbing."

Animated character the "Cat Burglar" from The Simpsons, wearing a striped prison outfit, black mask, and a hat, shown in two different scenes

2. "After my father-in-law passed away I was helping the family pack my MIL [mother-in-law] up for a move and while going through a bookshelf I found a large cache of not-so-tasteful nude photos. They were of my MIL."

Patty Bouvier and Homer Simpson are sitting on a sofa. Patty is holding a lit cigarette and a projector remote, while Homer is holding a beverage cup

3. "I helped my cousin move. He had a pot belly pig for a few months like a year before. There was pig shit all behind his couch, like a lot. Pretty nasty."

Close-up of Miss Piggy wearing a glamorous outfit

4. "I was helping a co-worker move and I was in his closet trying to move a dresser. I knocked a box off the wall shelf and like 10-15 wallets fell out of the box. I picked them up and noticed they still had IDs in them that weren't his... he yelled at me to leave them there and acted like the dresser was falling on him (it was sitting on the ground)."

Woman holding up a wallet with ID, excited expression, workplace background

5. "I discovered a stash of adult diapers and a note that said, 'For emergencies only.'"

Kim Kardashian looking surprised with wide eyes and slightly parted lips, dressed in a white textured garment

6. "A jar full of fingernails. We don't speak anymore."

A close-up of a person gently placing their hand over another person's hand, both hands showing natural nails

7. "Bottled piss."

Several empty plastic bottles arranged in rows with their openings facing upwards

8. "I opened a mistakenly unlabeled box in the living room. It was packed with an extensive collection of porcelain dolls. Each doll had an unsettlingly realistic face, and some were arranged in poses that made them appear as if they were staring right at me. My friend walked in, noticed my frozen stance and the open box, and we both burst into laughter. She explained her grandmother had a penchant for collecting these dolls, and she inherited them unexpectedly. We quickly closed the box, but not before the eerie feeling had set in."

A collection of antique dolls, including a female doll with blonde hair and a tiny puppet in her arms, are displayed together

9. "I found a bunch of poems my friend tried to write to a girl to take him back after he cheated on her. He would be the first person to make fun of someone for doing the same, so it was quite hilarious. He looked like he wanted to kill me after I found them and swore me to secrecy. I didn't tell any of our friends about it, but I still giggle at how bad they were."

Joey Tribbiani with a puzzled expression, reading "What to Expect When You're Expecting" in two side-by-side images

10. "After my grandma’s mom passed away, my grandma and my mom found her diary that they didn’t know she kept. As they read, they kept coming across things such as 'It kept me up all night' or 'It wouldn’t stop crying today.' They finally realised she was talking about my grandma as a baby. She was a very lovely lady who happened to get pregnant by accident. She and my grandmother ended up being best friends and even lived together up to the very end of my great-grandma’s life. She was just a bitter new mother at the time (which we can all relate to)."

Renée Zellweger as Bridget Jones reads a red diary while wearing a white robe in a kitchen background

11. "A big box filled with deer feet."

A split image of two animated deer characters: the left deer wears a camo jacket with antlers, the right deer wears a pink hat and purple vest

12. "After my dad passed my cousin and I were cleaning out his house. He used to be an addict, so when she picked up a baggie of small white pellets it wasn’t a huge concern until she threw them across the room where they proceeded to scatter under all the furniture. Teeth. They were teeth."

A close-up image of a single white molar tooth with a smooth, shiny surface, standing upright on a light backdrop

13. "A friend of a friend had a box labelled gnomes and gargoyles."

Garden gnome with a red hat and beige shirt holding a piglet, sitting in green grass

14. "Not really embarrassing, but I was helping my roommate's sister clean out a storage unit because she was moving cross country for a new job. I tried lifting this box but it was incredibly heavy so I jokingly said 'what’s in here, rocks?' It was rocks. She’s a geologist."

Martin Prince from The Simpsons in a classroom saying, "My geode must be acknowledged."

15. "Turns out a friend of ours carefully folds all her underwear and arranges them by colour. I’m not sure I’ll ever trust her again."

A man is partially visible, peering through a gap in a wooden fence

16. "A dead bat in a Tupperware container and a dead pet ferret in a Capri-Sun box in the freezer (that fell out when I picked up the box). I did know the ferret was in there somewhere, was not expecting the bat."

Cartoon character in shock, dentures flying above head, sitting at a dinner table with food scattered around

17. "I have worked as a part-time time mover for about a year now and have done a few moves. The weirdest thing was three generations of urns on a mantle."

A row of urns on shelves, each with a simple, elegant design, in various shapes and sizes

18. "My friend had just bought a house from a nice old lady. We were gutting the basement so he could renovate it, and when we ripped down part of the ceiling an old leather satchel fell to the ground. We both looked at the satchel, looked at each other, and assumed we just found a bag full of cash. We opened it up, wondering how we were got spend our newfound fortune. There was no money."

SpongeBob SquarePants sits alone in a diner booth, looking contemplative, with a cup of hot beverage in front of him

Thanks to r/AskReddit and u/ccie6861 for having this discussion!

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.      

Do you have any wild discoveries to share? Let us know in the comments below!