17 Things Everyone With A Vagina Should Know

    There is no such thing as a "normal"-looking vagina.

    How clued up are you when it comes to your vagina? I mean yeah, you've had it a while now, but do you really know what is going on down there?

    To learn even more about vaginas, read our previous reporting on vagina facts and facts on contraception.

    If you are interested in how your vagina works when it comes to sex, have a look at our reporting on the G-spot, squirting, and penetrative sex.

    And if you have any more questions, read this post on bad vagina habits and questions for gynecologists.

    1. During sex the vagina can expand up to twice its normal size.

    2. The vagina cleans itself.

    3. The amount of vaginal discharge you produce varies throughout your menstrual cycle.

    4. You can exercise your vagina.

    5. At least 3 out of 4 women will experience thrush at some point in their lives.

    6. There is not one set way to look after neo-vaginas.

    7. The G-spot is named after a German researcher.

    8. The fluid produced during squirting is mostly made up of urine.

    9. Condoms are the best defence against STIs and HIV.

    10. Other than abstinence, implants and IUDs are the most effective forms of reversible birth control.

    11. Non-penetrative sex is often more pleasurable than penetrative sex.

    12. There is no such thing as a "normal"-looking vagina.

    13. Sitting around in your sweaty, tight-fighting gym clothes can increase your chances of getting an itchy yeast infection.

    14. The wetness of the vagina comes from glands that line the opening of the vagina.

    15. You are highly unlikely to damage the clit with "excessive" masturbation.

    16. You can get a sort of sticky, stringy mucus coming from the cervix around ovulation.

    17. Every vagina has an individual odour.